Since it would impossible to fit all relevant information about the wedding on the invitation, we decided to write down everything here on this website.
On the page About the wedding, we will introduce you to our idea of how we would like to celebrate this life event together. There, you may read about the (un)program of the day, what to wear, what to take with you and a few words about food and drinks. We are convinced that the location where we will celebrate is quite special and has a rich history, about which you may learn on the page Schaubmar's mill. Given that only a few people visited this place despite its historical relevance, a closer study of the page Location will surely help you to find the party. And once you arrive, you will likely want to sleep over either Pezinok or Bratislava. In order for you not needing to do so without a roof over your head, we recommend glancing over some options on the page Accommodation. While we enjoy surprises and we won't turn anyone away at the entrance, we still kindly ask you to head over to the Registration page to RSVP. As we did not hire a photographer, everyone will need to partake in photodocumenting the wedding - on the page Photos we will then post all pictures and you can also find an upload form there for your own shots. Should you have any further questions, you may either switch the language to Slovak or contact us directly on the phone or via email listed on the Contact page.