Schaubmar´s mill is the biggest stream mill in Europe. The Pezinok Pálfis had it built on the Cajla stream in 1767. It bears the name of its last owners, the Schaubmars, who bought it in 1857.
Traditional water mills were gradually replaced by steam, electric or motor mills. They were more powerful, their operation was cheaper, and they were also closer to the inhabited areas. All private mills in Slovakia stopped milling definitely in 1951, after the state and the ruling communist party suppressed entrepreneurship.
In 1972, the Slovak National Gallery purchased the mill from its last owner, Kornélia Schaubmar. It was at the initiative of her husband, a long-year depository keeper Milan Blaško, who mentioned the mill to the then director. Thanks to this, the mill together with its equipment has been preserved and is functional, capable of operation, and heritage-listed.
In the 80´s, the mill and its entire area underwent a thorough reconstruction. Since 1997, it has been open to public, together with the Gallery of Naïve Art. Since 2017, Schaubmar´s Mill has been under transformation again. The gallery focuses on modern and contemporary fine art.
The historic building of the mill is home to the gallery and exhibition spaces. It is surrounded by a courtyard and an orchard with many old fruit and nut trees, where most of the dancing, talking and laying on blankets will happen.
At the café, you will be able to have a quick bite, load your paper plate with snacks to take outdoors and to grab some refreshing drink.
The large barn with its exposed framework and massive beams offers optimal refuge from the hot sunlight or in the worse case from any adverse weather or rain. It is located right next to the courtyard but behind a little wall so you can visit it for undisturbed conversations or any partying during the "silent hours".
Schaubmar´s mill also features some bedrooms in a semi-detached house in the courtyard. We have no doubt that some of you will spend the night with us there.